英文词汇 | 翻译 | 脱口秀中常见用法 | 示例句子 |
Monologue | 独白 | 演讲者个人讲述,展现个人观点或故事 | "Well, let me tell you about the time I tried to cook a gourmet meal." |
Puns | 双关语 | 利用词义的双关制造幽默效果 | "I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!" |
Hyperbole | 夸张 | 过分夸张的描述,增强语言的表现力 | "I've been running for hours; I could run across the country!" |
Dry humor | 幽默感 | 不带感情色彩的幽默,往往让人笑中带泪 | "I'm not good at sports, but I've got a great 'gimmick' – my height!" |
Sarcasm | 讽刺 | 话中有话,言外之意,带有讽刺意味的幽默 | "Oh, you look great in those jeans. They really highlight your assets." |
Anecdote | 轻松故事 | 简短有趣的故事,常用来支撑观点或引出笑点 | "My grandpa used to say, 'If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.'" |
Ad-lib | 即兴发挥 | 演出过程中根据现场情况临时发挥的幽默语句 | "So, what do you do for a living? Oh, I'm a professional procrastinator." |
Slang | 俚语 | 非正式的、地方性的或特定群体的用语 | "I'm totally down for a game of ping-pong!" |
Double entendre | 一语双关 | 一句话有两种或以上的意思,让人会心一笑 | "I'm on a diet. It's called the 'Four-Weeks to Never-Eating Again' diet." |
Witty | 机智 | 显示出高度的智慧或机智的幽默 | "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" |
Irony | 反讽 | 情境与言语之间的矛盾,产生幽默效果 | "I'm not going to the gym today because I can't find my sneakers." |
One-liner | 一句妙语 | 简短而有力的幽默句子,常用于开场或结尾 | "My New Year's resolution: I resolve to start every day with a smile." |
Rhetorical device | 修辞手法 | 运用特定的修辞技巧来增强语言的表现力 | "You're not just a brick in the wall, you're the whole wall!" |
Parody | 模仿 | 对某个作品或风格的模仿,以幽默的方式呈现 | "So, I decided to be a superhero. I'm 'Super Shaver'!" |